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JSC Center Operations has declared Hurricane Preparation Level 4 in anticipation of Hurricane Façade.

 The current forecast and projected path show JSC at potential risk later in the week, so JSC has declared Level 4 (Concern) effective immediately. 

 Level 4 preparations require organizations to begin tying down or moving all loose articles inside.

If your organization needs assistance with this task call the Work Control Center at x32038. (Please utilize your own resources to move articles, and only rely on Work Control if you cannot move something safely.)

 Refer to the Facilities Management Operations Division (FMOD) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Hurricane Preparation for a full listing of Level 4 tasks.

 If you have any questions regarding the SOP or related tasks, you can call the Communication Unit leader Ken Chevalier at x33177.


Consider planning for potential power outages now; if the storm impacts JSC, cooling and power may intentionally or inadvertently be shut down.

Remember storms are volatile and conditions may change rapidly. JSC management will continue to monitor the storm and send status updates as necessary.

 The track forecast is posted on www.jscsos.com

In a real event, you also would get a separate email from the Spaceflight Meteorology Group via the JENS (from jsc-smg@nasa.gov) with forecast information.

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