Center Facilities have declared Hurricane Level 2 (Center Closure Activities) in anticipation of Hurricane Façade.

If this were a real event, Center Closure information would have been be sent to all employees. (Note: closure info will not be sent during this exercise)

The forecast has changed, and JSC in now the direct path of Hurricane Façade. Hurricane Façade is currently a Category 3 Hurricane with winds clocked at around 120 mph. Landfall is expected Thursday evening just south of Galveston. Expected impacts to JSC will begin in approximately 24 hours, including the onset of tropical storm force winds.  Heavy rainfall and flash flooding is expected. Storm surge may reach 8-12 feet. Conditions will continue to degrade as the storm nears the coastline.

The Hurricane Rideout team is on site making final preparations.

Employees should monitor www.jscsos.com for Center status, and check email and texts for notifications from the Emergency Notification System and NASA Safe.