Prescribed burn today at Sylvan Rodriguez Park. Only call 911 for emergencies.
Today, the Houston Fire Department (HFD), in close collaboration with the Houston Parks & Recreation Department (HPARD) will conduct a prescribed fire at Sylvan Rodriguez Park, 1201 Clear Lake City Blvd, 77062.
The burn is expected to begin around noon, depending on the weather. During the burn period, individuals may see smoke in their area or on nearby roads.
HFD requests citizens near the burn site to refrain from calling 911 unless there is an emergency. Drivers should reduce their speed, use headlights when smoke is present, and always pay attention to posted reduced speed limits. Signs may be posted on nearby roadways and trails indicating “prescribed fire ahead.”
HFD’s wildland firefighters will perform and oversee the entire prescribed fire to establish continuity and the swift mitigation of potential life safety hazards. HFD will also coordinate with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Houston Health Department to establish clean air (atmospheric) monitoring during the prescribed fire.
This prescribed fire will aid in reducing potential fire dangers due to vegetation accumulation, which poses a significant threat to the surrounding residential community. Reducing the amount of potential fuel, like dry grass, leaves and other vegetation, is the appropriate safety step in protecting surrounding residents and their homes.
For more information and updates about the HFD’s and HPARD’s controlled burn please visit:
For information on Wildland Fire Management and prescribed fire please visit: