Center Management is monitoring Tropical Storm Nicholas. The storm is forecast to make landfall between Port Aransas and Freeport Monday evening or early Tuesday morning. The JSC area is under a Tropical Storm Warning, Flash Flood Warning, and Storm Surge Warning. The primary threat to JSC is heavy rain fall and possible flash flooding Tuesday morning.
JSC will remain open for mission critical operations with minimum on-site staffing due to the uncertainty of flooding, drivability of roadways, and the safety of our workforce. Maximum use of telework is encouraged, and unscheduled leave (formerly known as liberal leave) is in effect for civil servants Monday afternoon and Tuesday. On-site employees should take home any materials that will enable telework should weather conditions prevent physical access to JSC any time this week. Notify your supervisor if you need to take excused if the storm impacts your safety or connectivity. Further leave guidance will be communicated by Human Resources as it becomes necessary. Contractors should talk to their supervisors for their company’s policy. The Gilruth Fitness Center will close at 3 p.m. today and will remain closed on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Please check the Gilruth website for the latest information. There will not be any food service in Building 11 café or the Building 4S Liftoff Café on Tuesday, and the local school districts and Space Center Houston are also closed. For additional closures or restricted hours, please refer to your city’s/county’s website. You can stay up-to-date on the storm by going to the National Hurricane Center’s website or the National Weather Service Houston/Galveston. Current road conditions can be found at Houston TranStar. Center specific updates can be found on JSCSOS. |
Brought to you by the External Relations Office. |
March 12, 2025 - JSC is OPEN